Recipe #3: Brownie Candy Cups
Chocolate is going to feature heavily in this year of new recipes, especially since I discovered Bakerella. Hooray for the Internet, which is full of foodies who want to make their mark! I just Google whatever I'm looking for and come up with thousands of hits, no matter how obscure I think the recipe is. A week ago, I combined two of my great loves: brownies and peanut butter cups.
Verdict: Delicious. I had one when it was still warm, and it was gooey mess, but so worth it. They kept well for a few days in a glass dish under plastic wrap, too. (I don't know how long they'll remain fresh if stored correctly, because they didn't last more than a few days!) Max certainly seemed to like them when he came over for Family Home Evening. They do dry out a bit after 48 hours, but the last one I had was just as yummy as thefirst second.
Recipes to come:
Now, let's see ... today is 22 March, and this is recipe #3. (I've been lazy, and money for frivolous stuff has been tight.) It's pretty obvious that I need to change the number of new recipes I'm going to try this year. Instead of two a week, I'm shooting for an average (because I scored a big ol' zero in February) of two a month. Plus one for Christmas (or Lent, or something), to make it a round 25 new recipes in 2010.
EDIT: In other news ...
Ihave get to give a Sacrament Meeting talk on Sunday. *gulp* I need to get a copy of Fulghum's It Was on Fire When I Lay Down on It, and then I just need to write it! (Writing's easy, but making it coherent, especially after I've been thinking about nothing else for days on end? That's tough.)
Max likes Doctor Who! I started him with Eccleston's Doctor (the same way I got started last year), and we watched two episodes last night. We might go back and watch some older episodes (Genesis of the Daleks), just so he has some of the mythology and chronology down. I'm still confused by it, and I've done my homework!
We have a baby on the way! Jimbo the brother-man got his lovely bride up the duff again. His second, her third, and as much as I love my nieces, I'm rooting for a boy this time so Jimbo doesn't go mad ... he's already living with four women (though my mother's only there part time).
I've joined up with Spark People and am loving it! It's about fitness, nutrition, and weight loss. What I like best is that it's completely free. There are adverts on every page, but they aren't flashy or obnoxious. It takes time to find out how to navigate and use the website (which is huge), but I think I've got most of it figured out by now.
Max is very sweet, indeed. He isn't perfect (if I thought so after eleven months of dating, you'd think I was daft ... heck, I'd think I was daft), but I enjoy his company immensely. We have lots in common, but not so much that it's boring, and it's lovely to feel so safe with someone; that I can say something completely weird, and instead of looking at me strangely, he'll just ask for clarification. It's lovely to see evidence that he trusts me, too. My neurotic, insecure, goofy heart lets off a little fart of joy every time we make plans to do something together, because it means he wants to see me again!
You're enthralled by this, aren't you?
Verdict: Delicious. I had one when it was still warm, and it was gooey mess, but so worth it. They kept well for a few days in a glass dish under plastic wrap, too. (I don't know how long they'll remain fresh if stored correctly, because they didn't last more than a few days!) Max certainly seemed to like them when he came over for Family Home Evening. They do dry out a bit after 48 hours, but the last one I had was just as yummy as the
Recipes to come:
- something vegetarian, so this whole Lent project isn't a total waste
- Upcakes
- Ginny's wedding soup
- Jill's crab cakes
Now, let's see ... today is 22 March, and this is recipe #3. (I've been lazy, and money for frivolous stuff has been tight.) It's pretty obvious that I need to change the number of new recipes I'm going to try this year. Instead of two a week, I'm shooting for an average (because I scored a big ol' zero in February) of two a month. Plus one for Christmas (or Lent, or something), to make it a round 25 new recipes in 2010.
EDIT: In other news ...
Max likes Doctor Who! I started him with Eccleston's Doctor (the same way I got started last year), and we watched two episodes last night. We might go back and watch some older episodes (Genesis of the Daleks), just so he has some of the mythology and chronology down. I'm still confused by it, and I've done my homework!
We have a baby on the way! Jimbo the brother-man got his lovely bride up the duff again. His second, her third, and as much as I love my nieces, I'm rooting for a boy this time so Jimbo doesn't go mad ... he's already living with four women (though my mother's only there part time).
I've joined up with Spark People and am loving it! It's about fitness, nutrition, and weight loss. What I like best is that it's completely free. There are adverts on every page, but they aren't flashy or obnoxious. It takes time to find out how to navigate and use the website (which is huge), but I think I've got most of it figured out by now.
Max is very sweet, indeed. He isn't perfect (if I thought so after eleven months of dating, you'd think I was daft ... heck, I'd think I was daft), but I enjoy his company immensely. We have lots in common, but not so much that it's boring, and it's lovely to feel so safe with someone; that I can say something completely weird, and instead of looking at me strangely, he'll just ask for clarification. It's lovely to see evidence that he trusts me, too. My neurotic, insecure, goofy heart lets off a little fart of joy every time we make plans to do something together, because it means he wants to see me again!
You're enthralled by this, aren't you?
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