Twilight and NyQuil: "Better" Is a Relative Term

I was kind of surprised that I finished the first Twilight book, but I've refused to read any more in the series. Friends have said that the other books are better than the first, but I've already lost five hours of my life to that misogynistic book. (If I EVER see a family member with any of Meyer's drivel in their hands, I shall steal it, burn it, jump gleefully on the ashes, and replace it with something by Tamora Pierce.)

There's an over-the-counter medication called NyQuil. I take it when I have a cold. It's a green syrup that tastes bitter and sickly sweet all at the same time. Difficult to drink, but I do it because it suppresses my coughs and makes me drowsy enough to sleep at night.

Last night, I noticed that the new bottle said NyQuil had an improved taste. I raised an eyebrow, because there's a lot of room for improvement. I drank it, and their strategy was to make it even more sickly sweet than before.

Proof positive that better-than-awful can still be pretty awful.


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