
Trina (noun) 1. a peculiar species of California Hufflepuff with mottled fur and a predisposition for stoutness about the middle. 2. a person who manages to suffer from both an inferiority complex and delusions of grandeur. 3. a proud anti-snob.
Strengths: Intelligent. Loyal. Optimistic. Independent. Understanding. Makes yummy desserts.
Weaknesses: Touchy. Distractable. Gutless. Tactless. Slothful. Depressed.
Special Skills: Can pinpoint the location of Ghirardelli's milk chocolate if it's within a half-mile radius. Can identify all of the constellations in the Northern Hemisphere.
Weapons: Sarcasm. Disarming goofiness. Excellent recall for trivia. Above-average IQ. (If all else fails, there's always the blue eyes and southwest dimple.)
Objects of Adoration: music, Fry and Laurie, Trivial Pursuit, QI, books, family, friends, home theatricals, BBC, PBS, movies, art, American Tribal belly dance


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