The Blue Sword
The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley
One of the preparation exercises for NaNoWriMo is to write a list of things that I love about books I've read. I love adventures, magic, characters who transcend expectations, a good romance, moral dilemmas, gender reversals or disguises, vibrant and original worlds, true friendships, pets, and a juicy misunderstanding or three. The Blue Sword has all of these and more.
The story takes place in a world where an empire reaches into lands and cultures its people don't quite understand. Newly-orphaned Angharad, nicknamed Harry, is brought to a desert outpost by her brother to live with relatives. She looks toward the distant mountains and wonders what's out there, but she lives a quiet life among those of her own culture until the day the king of the Free Hillfolk -- the native inhabitants of the desert -- comes to the outpost to warn the army of an impending invasion from the north.
Corlath, the king, rides away from the meeting disgusted with the Outlanders, but he can't get the girl he saw at the outpost out of his mind. Without understanding why, he returns and spirits Harry away.
Harry starts to learn of the Hillfolk and their ways, and slowly the magic that runs through her veins begins to show itself. She becomes the bearer of Gonturan, the Blue Sword the Lady Aerin carried, and earns the respect and friendship of her new people and their king.
Recommended for readers age 12 and up. Seventeen chapters, 311 pages.
Ooh! This sounds like fun. I'll have to run to the library and check it out.