Doing Steps One and Four at the Same Time

Terraforming. The term seems a bit pretentious, but I'm using the term for my tag anyway because I like it.

So step one in my patio project is clearing out the rubbish that's been sitting there for over a year. (I used to think I was a pack rat, and that might be true, but really, I'm just really lazy and can't be bothered to pick up after myself.) Step two is putting things that need to go in the garage where they belong, and step three is clearing all the pots and the plot of earth of old weeds and dead plants. Step four is planting new stuff, which I have started even though I'm getting ahead of myself, and now that I've done that, I've set a deadline for steps one through three: when the seedlings are ready to be transplanted into the soil, I need to have everything else ready to go. (Step five will be making a couple of raised beds for the garden so I don't have to strain my back to maintain the garden, but I'm holding off on that until I start planting on a larger scale, like in the spring.)

And how am I starting the seedlings, you ask? Like this:

In case you can't see the video here, here's the URL:

I have taken some stuff out to the dumpster today, but since I've misplaced my gardening gloves, I'm leaving the cardboard boxes alone for now. I've found poisonous spiders in my patio before, and I want some protection between my hands and their mandibles.

In other news, my darling dad went to the supermarket for me and got a bunch of stuff I needed, like orange juice, NyQuil, Dayquil, chicken soup, bananas, and a few household supplies I'd run out of. Wasn't that sweet of him?

And I'm off to the library again. Another book I've asked for has just arrived, so I'm going to pick it up. This one's about creative interior decorating. Once I get home, I'm going to take a short nap. Life doesn't stop because I'm sick as a dog, but it does have to slow down a bit.


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