So I started working at the bank when I was 21. Several months later, they sent a kid from another branch to substitute for someone going on vacation. He was younger than me, and I didn’t fancy him, but he was handsome and personable. Turns out he’d started working for the bank a couple weeks after I did. He rocketed up the ladder and ended up a branch president five minutes after he earned his bachelor’s while I was still struggling to prove I was good enough to be a new accounts rep. He was sweet, and he had good taste in clothes. He had a pair of shoes that, on two occasions years apart, I complimented him on … and he wore them for the rest of that week.

Ah, the power I have over men. (The only power.)

I haven’t seen him since 2005, when I quit to work at the library. Like I said, I never had a crush on him, but every time I heard Sixpence None the Richer’s song “Kiss Me,” with its line You’ll wear those shoes, and I will wear that dress, it reminded me of him. The song was on my daily recommendations at my music streaming service, so I got curious. He wasn’t on the bank’s website as a branch manager, so I Googled him and found an obituary from 2022. He was 46.


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