I'll take what I can get.

Not so good thing yesterday: According to the scale at Curves, I've gained two and a half pounds in the last two weeks.

Good thing today: My usual 5K walk with three hills usually takes me 70-ish minutes.  68 is my best time since I started.  Today I managed it in 65.

I'm cool with this.  Having said that, however, I need to stop smelling roses and petting cats and see what I'm really capable of doing.  Consistently walking three miles an hour -- 62 minutes on this route -- is my Holy Grail at the moment.

I'm wearing a new dress today.  The weather is drizzly and clouded over, so I decided to wear something bright.  It's the one that looks like how I imagine an acid trip would look.  Brightly colored vertical streaks, and a kind of keyhole neckline created by bands of fabric over the bodice.  A few of the colors are hues I normally wouldn't be caught dead in, but others are.  I've got double takes from a few coworkers and compliments from the rest; this is not unexpected as I normally wear a lot of black and denim.

Hooray, for it is Wednesday, and I have some good things coming tomorrow and this weekend.  Not all good things, as a funeral is in there, but there's also a couple of shindigs for work related stuff, spending time with Dad, and hanging out with Ju at least once, maybe twice.


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