
Showing posts from February, 2013

Ah, spring, when my thoughts turn to Lent and dirt. (And food, but I think about that all the time.)

A few years back, I decided to give up meat for Lent.  The LDS Church doesn't observe it, but quite a few Mormons with whom I'm acquainted do.  I decided to do it again this year, though I wasn't sure what to do.  Give up something again?  Or start doing something good that I haven't been doing before? Finally, I decided on one of each. I've been working out sporadically for the last three months, and the local Curves is having a month-long workout/weight loss challenge, so I figured going there three times a week plus taking three walks a week would work.  (Walking is a lot less boring since Christmas and Mom's present of an iPod Shuffle.)  So there's the taking on something I've been rather wishy-washy about. As for the giving up thingy, I've decided to stop swearing.  This resolution only lasted eleven hours, as the last episode of a radio sitcom I like ended with a wicked cliffhanger: "$&@#!!!"  I failed at abstaining, so I modi...